FAQ - Exchanges & Returns

Can I return my purchases?

Due to hygiene purposes, we do not accept change of mind returns. Exchanges and returns are only accepted where (i) there is a product defect (e.g. torn products); or (ii) wrong item(s) has been sent. All NIUD products go through stringent quality control before they are on their way to you. 

In the event where you have received a defective product or wrong order (e.g. incorrect shade), please contact us within 5 working days from delivery receipt. Any request made after 5 working days will not be entertained to avoid abuse of exchange policy and to maintain fairness to all other customers.

Degree of stickiness
of products are subjective and not considered as product defect, we're unable to accommodate for requests for exchange and refund unless the product clearly does not adhere to skin (i.e. product falls when put on skin). In case of the latter scenario, all requests would have to be made within 5 working days of delivery receipt. We are unable to entertain requests made after 5 working days of receiving products as our products are consumables in nature, and would need to be replaced after a certain period of use.


I got the wrong shade! Can I get a refund / exchange?

While we can’t offer a return or exchange due to hygiene reasons, we know how important this is for you and we want to do our best in helping you find the perfect shade! Reach out to us here to get a unique code for your next purchase.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Send us an email to tell us what's up and someone from our Customer Service team will get back to you as soon as possible. Be sure to include your order number (if you have one).

Please reach us via Instagram @niudlab.

Other inquiries? Let's chat.

Please email us at hello@niudlab.com